When are you going to take responsibility for your life?

These days it seems like dissatisfaction is the new norm. People are willing to sit around and complain about their life, yet are afraid to acknowledge that they possess the power to do something about it. The truth is you can build the life you want. You just have to work for it.

Take it from me. I built a multimillion dollar business from the ground up. Every day I worked myself to the brink of exhaustion, but brick by brick I built something. Something that mattered. Something that helped people. Something that was my own. And throughout my journey, there were challenges all along the way. I wrestled with all the negative feelings you can imagine; doubt, fear, regret, all of it! But at the end of the day, I came out on top.


Because I was hellbent on achieving what I had set out to do, and even in my darkest hour, I refused to let fear hold me back. Fear can do a lot of things to a person. It can keep you from taking that first step toward success. It can keep you from showing up for the people you love. It can even break you, if you let it. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Sometimes you have to be able to push fear aside and step into the driver’s seat.

Your life is what you make of it. There will never be a better time to achieve your goals than right now! When you finish reading this post, I want you to go out there and do something positive for yourself. Go to the gym. Start a book. Go for a run. Sign up for those business classes you’ve always thought about taking. But whatever you do, do it today! Yesterday is history and tomorrow may never come, but this moment right here that we call the present, that’s a gift worth treasuring. Make the most of it.

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